Adding Details And Filters Also Changing The Main Home Screen On Utopian.Info


This suggestion is about's home and categories page.


  1. Adding color icons on the pending contribution pie chart.When a user wants to see a how many contribution pending from a category they might not understand which color is what.Adding explanation color icons will make the visuality better.
Before The Feature


After The Feature


2 . When clicking to them "home page" it takes us to the Amosbastian's profile,"categories" section shows us the recent evaluated contributions,this part should moved to the home page and there can be a search button in the top of it.All of these should be moved to the home page.There can be also a daily sbd/usd chart.Also adding recent sbd and steem prices would help users.

Before the feature,takes us to the "Amosbastian's Page"


After adding features and moving some features to the home page


3 . When clicked to the "categories" section there is all categories in a bar and a total pending chart from all categories.You can see when you switch to the another category on the bar,chart is still showing the total contributions from all categories.

When user switch the category the chart should change and only show total pending contributions from users selected category.There can be a checkbox that asks user if they want to see the chart change when they switch to the categories.Also the updated chart for the category will show how many pending contributions by the users.

Before The Changes


After Adding The Features



With these features usability and visibility will get better and also efficiency of the website will improve.User will spend more time on the website because there are a lot of features.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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