Add And Request Recipe,Give Stars Features For CaptainChef



CaptainChef is an application to see recipes of some foods.You can also see the videos of how to cook that foods step by step in the application.This suggestion is about adding a features called " add recipe" and "request recipe" to the application.


When you take look at the CaptainChef application,there are like 5-6 recipes.It's clear that the application will improve it in the future.But to speed up the improvment application can clearly use the user power by adding two features.

Request Recipe

For example,user want to cook a steak and downloads the app but there is not any recipe for how to cook steak.User will click "request recipe" feature and will add a request to recipe on "how to cook steak". After filling the request table,user will wait some other user or application owners to add the recipe.

Add Recipe

When a user wants to help other people on how to cook some food,they will able to use this application.With clicking " add recipe" feature there will be a table of questions that will ask user who wants to add the recipe.After filling the questions clearly and true the application moderators/owner will accept or reject the recipe.

Give Stars / Vote

If user adds a recipe on how to cook some food,the other users will be able to give feedback by voting/giving stars to that recipe.By adding this feature,it will be much easier to find correct recipe.For example if there are five recipes for "how to cook apple pie" user can choose the highest ranked one safely.


1 - Request And Add Recipe Feature


2 - Give Stars / Vote Feature



Suggested features will help improve the applcication in two ways; firstly with these three features user will be able to find,add,request and vote any food type or recipe they want.Since the main purpose of the application to help users teach or help how to cook different food types,this will improve the usability for users.

In the other way,the application most probably get higher downloads and members because anyone who wants to cook some type of food will probably download this application because of the user friendly features.

Prove Of Work

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