4 Tutorials - How To Do Translation in Utopian.io | 教程 - 如何在乌托邦做翻译

Dear Steemian Friends,

From time to time, I receive a lot of requests from Steemians who would like to know how they can participate as a translator in the Utopian.io Platform. They DM me and ask a lot of specific questions of what they need to do to get started. So I found myself repeating myself over and over again explaining to them the different steps they need to take to get started in the translation category in Utopian.

At the same time, I begin to realize that perhaps the Utopian platform has grown so much that people are now at a loss as to know where to begin.

To help all the newcomers coming on board onto Utopian, I feel there is a need for me to write this tutorial post to show you the way to get started in becoming a translator in Utopian.

When I began contributing to Utopian platform, Utopian was still a baby, a new platform that just came on board on Steemit. Things were easy to follow as I kept up the changes of the Utopian platform daily. At that time @elear moderated our posts, so we got to know @elear quite well at that time. As time went on, more users came in and the entire work expanded almost exponentially. I, too, became a moderator and we now have over 80 moderators on board to hold the fort.

In the last 3 months, I have done a lot of translation contributions to Open Source Projects. I came to know many Project managers while translating their Open Source Projects. I am happy to see many Open Source Projects going global in these last 3 months.

As a moderator, I also see a lot of contributions in the Translation Category. It takes up about 2/3 of the Utopian pie. As of today, Jan 23rd, 65% of the translation category are waiting for moderators to review.


At Utopian.io, the translation project is mainly from English to other languages.

A good translator needs to be competent in English in its written and oral form.

I did my University degree in Education, majoring in Teaching English as a Second Language to children and adults. I enjoyed studying Linguistics and how languages were developed and evolved with time and culture. It is a fun subject. Word studies are very important, particularly in understanding literature and history. Much of my time has been devoted in studying themes of the Bible using this linguistic approach. With this linguistic skill, I am also a simultaneous translator in workshops and lectures. This requires a lot of concentration to translate from one language to another language in a split of a second. It can be quite nerve wrecking sometimes, but most of the time, you feel great that you can help the audience to understand what the speaker wants to convey when the audience does not know English.

So if you want to be a good translator at Utopian, I also encourage you to improve on your English skills. Read more.

Translation Category in the Utopian Platform

In the Utopian Platform, there is a category that is called "Translation" in yellow color:


In the past, I have written a step by step tutorial for people to know how they can register with Utopian Platform and start translating.

I will not repeat the steps here, so you can click onto the following post to follow the steps.

#1 Step by Step Tutorial to Contribute Translation in the Utopian Platform


For my Chinese friends, I have written a tutorial in Chinese so that you can follow along easily.

#2 Step by Step Tutorial to Contribute in the Utopian Platform - Chinese Version


Crowdin Platform

Crowdin is a localization project management platform for developers and website owners who wish to have their projects translated into different languages.

Often time, their projects need to be translated to the following languages:




You can do your translation work in the Crowdin website.

Please note that not all the projects in the Crowdin website are open-sourced. Some are closed sourced. In order to be rewarded by Utopian, you need to translate the open-sourced projects.

I have written a tutorial on how you can sign in to become a translator in Crowdin.

#3 Step by Step Tutorial to become a translator in Crowdin


#4 Inside Look Tutorial into a Translation Project in Crowdin


Concluding Remarks

For all newcomers, you can follow the above guidelines and the 4 Tutorials to help you get started in translation on the Utopian Platform.

Please follow the rules in Utopian. The above posts were created for the need at that time, so while the procedure is the same, but the rules have changed.

Today, on Jan 23rd, the Translation rules are as follows:

This category is meant only for translations you have updated or created for an Open Source project.

  • Minimum 1000 words per translation contribution. Text that is supposed to remain untranslated (links, code, paths, ...) or duplicated strings/text can't be included in the minimum amount of words.
    Proofread or merged translations are always preferred. Submitting translations that are not proofread will lead to a lower vote.
  • You could translate less than the minimum amount of words if the project itself has less to be translated in total. May lead to a lower vote.
  • The contribution will be rejected if the submitted translation is older than 7 days since the submitted contribution. This rule does not apply for proofread translations.
  • If it is obvious that you can't properly write in the source language of the translation, your contribution will be rejected.
  • Only translations on CrowdIn or Github are accepted. You should not translate the words and provide them in your Utopian post directly.
  • Your Github Account or Crowdin Account must match your Steem/Utopian account. If it does not you must use the field "Full Name" in Crowdin to show you are the author.
  • You must include every possible detail to check the translations and the tools you have used to translate.
  • Entire translations are always preferred. If you are writing about a partial translation we reserve the right to evaluate the actual work.
  • Same translations from different authors will be accepted if the moderator can recognise the newest translation has better quality.
  • If the provided translation is obviously machine-translated for more than its 20% or has low quality will be rejected.
  • Proof-reading is not acceptable in Utopian as a valid contribution.
  • Not respecting the rules will either give you lower votes or your contribution won't be accepted.

Thank you for your attention,

Hope you have enjoyed reading this post as much as I have written it. Keep blogging on with values.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请点赞并跟随我。

You can contact me at Utopian here: https://utopian.io/@rosatravels
You can contact me at Steemit here: https://steemit.com/@rosatravels
You can contact me at my Website here: http://LearnPianoWithRosa.com/

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