Bug in Esteem App - The Weblink on the Homepage is Broken

Contribution to Esteem app - reporting a bug


The Esteem app is great for us to use on our Mobile phones. I have been using it for a while when I am not at the computer. I love it. I know that the project owner is going to issue a new version soon so I want to report this bug to the project owner to fix this before the soon release.

Expected behavior

  • On our home page where the profile banner, we are given a space where we can key in our website.

  • So the expected behavior is that when you tab on that link, it should the esteem app should take you to our website link.

Actual behavior

  • The actual behavior now is that when you tab on that link, nothing happens.

  • When you tab on that link, it does not take you the website link it is supposed to.

  • I want to report this bug: Link is broken

Using Screenshots to reproduce the Bug:

Device Used

  1. Smart phone: Samsung C7 Pro

  2. Operating System: Android 7.0

  3. Browser: Esteem app Version (1.5.1)

  • Open up the Esteem App in Android.

  • It will then take you to the home page.

  • Tab Profile where the web link is keyed in

Screen shot #1


As you can see from my profile edit, my website url link is keyed in correctly.

Screen shot # 2

Go to the Homepage and you will see the Website URL Tab on my Header Profile.


  • I put the red arrow pointing to my Website URL Link.

  • When I tab on the Website Link: NOTHING HAPPENS - this is the BUG!

  • This is the BUG ERROR I want to report to Esteem Team.

Screenshot #3 - the Expected Behavior

  • When I tab on that Website link, it should take me to my website which looks like this:


Screenshot #4 - To Check Other People's Website Link on Steemit

Since I am a follower of the great Steemian Timsaid, I went to his page to try his website link:


  • Timsaid also has a website link.

  • I tabbed on his website link, NOTHING happens

  • it doesn't take you away to another page, which should be Timsaid website page.

  • this is the BUG ERROR.


This is not a BUG that is specific to my home page and website, but the same bug is happening to all the other users.

Recording Of The Bug

Since I have put in screenshots what the bug is, I do not need to do a video on reproducing this bug.

Thank you for your attention,



Hope you like reading this post!


You can contact me at Utopian here: https://utopian.io/@rosatravels

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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