Project Translated to Indonesia - 1288 words

pasted image 0-4.png
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Project Details® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry or algebra. organizes the annual Hour of Code campaign which has engaged 10% of all students in the world and provides the leading curriculum for K-12 computer science in the largest school districts in the United States. is supported by generous donors including Amazon, Facebook, Google, the Infosys Foundation, Microsoft, and many more. For more information about you can click this link.

This is my first contribution for the project, I translated some parts of dashboard/base.yml string. During the translation process I found out that there were several abbreviation that need to be translated so the reader understand what it's refer to such as "CS=Computer Science and AP=Advance Placement. 65% of the contain in the string is already translated when i start the translation and contribute to another 20%, so including my contribution 85% of the total contain of the string has been translated.

String status before my contribution
dashboard base.yml string before.png
String status after my contribution
dashboard base.yml string after.png

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language

Translated to Indonesia. Prior to my contribution 22% of the project has been translated. I was able to translate another 4% of the project. The translated words for the project including my contribution is 26%. So, the words need to be translated are a lot, roughly 74% of the project still need to be translated.

Project status before my contribution
Translated status before.png
Project status after my contribution
Translated status after.png

Number Of Words
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1288
Translated word.png

Proofread Words

No proofread yet.

Previous translation on the same project

This is my first contribution, hope to be able to contribute more

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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