Social Meal - social application - Add another user rating

Hello, today I want to show you my next feature in my Social Meal API. I had added possibility to rate another user. I also fixed some bug in event resource

New Features

  • In this contribution I want to show You new feature, it is rating another users. Rating is very important feature in this application, because person who is organising event see who want to join to this event. The organiser will check rating this person, if everything is ok, he will accept this person, if the user has bad rating it is mean, that this user is no a good candidate for participate in this event. The rating will be displaying as stars, maximum 5 stars and minimum 0 star.
  • One user can rate another user only once, but he can change rate. User can not rate yourself.
  • What is more I changed connected with rating user profile, change displaying rating in user profile, I changed BasicUserResource, whitch is responsible for returning basic user data.
  • I made also separate model for address for events.


The implementation contains:

  • added new domain class for address, add this address to event, add fluent API

  • added address resources and mapping with address domain model

  • added rating domain model with functions, fluent API and change migrations

  • added rating resource and mapping with rating domain model

  • added rating controller, service and error codes for invalid rating

  • unit test for rating service

  • screen with commits from github:


Github project link: SocialMeal
Github my profile: Arkaady/piach

Links for commits for this features:

I will keep you informed about changes. If someone want to help me, just write to me.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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