QUIQQER Retrospect - 2019 / 18



Hello and welcome to the QUIQQER Retrospect 2019 / 18. You know what it's like: Our fingers never stand still and constantly hit the keys. Here are our most important news for you.

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  • STEEMIT Holmes
  • Tuesdays-Hackathon
  • Update QUIQQER Calendar

For some time now we have been active here and there in STEEMIT and the STEEM Blockchain. Not only do we provide S2DB, which parsed the STEEM blockchain to a MySQL database, we also help out with some STEEM projects.

This time we would like to introduce STEEMIT Holmes to you. Based on QUIQQER and S2DB we have developed a portal that gives deep insights into the STEEM blockchain. Because: The Blockchain is a fine thing, but searching, organizing, filtering and the like are quite confusing undertakings. We have now solved the problem for you:


STEEMIT Holmes is your personal detective in the STEEM Blockchain. He provides you with a lot of useful and interesting information and statistics about Steem and his ECO system. For example you will find a user search and lots of user statistics. If you'd like to know more about STEEMIT Holmes, we recommend our introductory post.


Behind QUIQQER stands our development company PCSG. We rarely go normal ways. Someone always has a "crazy" idea. Now new at our company: The Tuesday hackathon. From now on we leave everything else behind on this day. Every Tuesday we want to implement a service based on QUIQQER - nothing else, all together, with 110 percent.

You can find out what comes out of it here, of course.

Update: QUIQQER Calendar

For our calendar extension you will find a small update. This allows you to assign a description and a link to each calendar event. At the moment the update is only available in the Master-Branch. But there will be a new version in the next days. You update your calendar as usual via the QUIQQER-Update or the QUIQQER-Store.

Thanks for reading,
Henning von QUIQQER

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