QUIQQER Products Bricks - Has now more product bricks

We implement some new features for the QUIQQER Product Bricks Module.

QUIQQER Product Bricks

The Product-Bricks Module gives you the possibility to display your products in different sliders and galleries.

Let your products stand in a completely beautiful light. The Product-Bricks Module comes with a handful of new controls to put your products in the right light.

New Features

What feature(s) did you add?

The user needs more displays and sliders to display and present his products better.
For this reason we are busy with further display options.

  • Children Product-Slider:
    • Horizontal slider. To navigate between products use the arrows.
    • Select as many products as you wish.
    • It supports mobile view too.
    • It used the QUIQQER Children-Slider.
    • Add-to-cart animation button.-
  • Category Boxes:
    • Select sites associated with your shop categories.
    • Set background color.
    • Fall back, if you site has no description.
    • If you do not connected site with category, it will be not displayed at all.
    • Use site image as background (fill in the entire space and ignore padding).
    • Select a site to show button "All categories" under the boxes.

How did you implement it/them?


Okay, so that everyone can imagine the changes. Here are some Previews ;-)

Children Product Slider

Category Boxes

The slider comes as usual in German and English. Please do not pay attention to the product texts, these are only sample texts for testing. :-)

Thanks for reading
Michael, for PCSG Developers

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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