QUIQQER Invoice Module - Multi Currency Feature

QUIQQER Invoice Module - Multi Currency Feature

This module extends QUIQQER with a complete invoice management system and provides different APIs to react on several invoice action.
Manage invoices simply and efficiently.


New Features

What feature(s) did you add?

The last week there were some changes in the QUIQQER Invoice Module. As explained in the last posts we build our system Multi Currency capable. I.e. you have the possibility to offer your products in different currencies.

The problem now is that you have several invoices with different currencies in your system. Only from a legal point of view it is necessary to indicate invoices separately. To make this possible a currency filter has been added. Not only the invoices are now filtered, also the totals calculations are separated for each currency.

How did you implement it/them?

First, the currency code data had to be available as a separate field in the database. This makes filtering a lot easier. Currently, the currency data was only available in JSON format.

The only thing what we need to extend is the database.xml.


So that the data can be filtered naturally, these must be inserted into the field when saving.

Now that the data can now be queried, the Invoice Search must be adapted so that the currency field can now also be filtered.

The currency can now be changed in the administration via a Currency DropDown.

The currency change was implemented as follows:

First, we had to add the DropDown to the panel.


After that only the search had to be adjusted.

The integration behaves similar to the orders, but because the Invoice is a bit more complex, the search had to be adapted more. In addition the calculation of the sums had to be acted something else.

The Invoice did not have any currencies yet and so the default currency was always displayed. We had to change this, among other things that the currency of the filter is used.

Now the Invoice also has a currency filter function

Thanks for reading,
Hen, for PCSG Developers

GitHub Account

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