QUIQQER Areas Update 1.1

We have released a new version 1.1 of our Areas module. After one year it was time to release all updates and new features.

We are taking great strides towards to our goal of providing a complete free e-commerce system. QUIQQER Areas is a central point in our e-commerce / ERP stack.


The QUIQQER Areas module allows you to group countries into so-called areas. Define different tax zones or shipping zones and determine different behaviors for your shop for different countries.

  • In combination with the QUIQQER Tax module, different VAT zones can be set up.
  • In combination with the QUIQQER Discount module you can offer different discounts for different areas.

New Features in 1.1

What feature(s) did you add?

  • Complete rewrite to PSR4
  • Complete MySQL strict
  • Integrate an area search
  • Provide the module complete in english and german (added multilingualism)
  • Module prepared for the store

How did you implement it/them?

These are mainly developer topics. Broadly speaking, it is a promise that the general standards have been implemented.

The search should help to find zones faster and easier.

  • Provide the module complete in english and german (added multilingualism)
  • Module prepared for the store


This week the module was overhauled once again. Screenshots were made, all descriptions were optimized, tests were carried out and the complete interface was converted to multilingual. The setup was fixed and the import of the EU area dataset.

Next week the module will also be available in the store.

A complete changelog for the 1.1 can you find [here]


Last but not least here are some screenshots of what our area module looks like:

Thanks for reading
Hen, for PCSG Developers

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