Steemblr - UI updates (September)



Steemblr Repository


Steemblr is a microblogging platform written in javascript. It allows user to post and explore content which is smaller and more frivolous in its nature. Currently app is in development stage and you can see every posts from steemit. In the future it will show posts relative to steemblr app.

After completing @snwolak's Task request he asked me to do some more inner space designs for him:

  • Search result page
  • Settings screen/modal

As previously i made dark and light version of this screens. My goal was to make the newly created screens, UI elements usable on mobile devices too, so i've created the mobile version too.

Benefits / Improvements

Redesigning simple UIs is pretty challenging in my opinion: there is not enough space to express creativity, ideas. As i have described my goal was to do something different this time. After a discussion with @snwolak realized he is looking for a really strong, brandable product design. My goal was to keep this on the inner pages of Steemblr.

In total I made 10 screen page designs for desktop and mobile devices.

Proof of authorship



Search results

Results - Dark.png

Results - light.png

Settings screen

Settings - page - dark.png

Settings - page - light.png

Settings modal

Settings - dark.png

Settings - light.png

Search results

Results - mobile - dark.png

Results - mobile - light.png

Settings modal

Settings - Mobile - dark.png

Settings - Mobile - light.png


I have used Adobe Photoshop CC.

Original files

PSD file and Screenshots

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Proof of Work Done

outwork's Github profile

This awesome mockups are made using

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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