Easy access to tags instead of typing

Tags are something essential for every post, as they are what shows the audience the post is meant for.
My suggestion here is mainly for newbies who just came into the platform and are not good in using tags and most get flagged or down voted, while others are lost with tags they want to use for a post.
While for people who have been in the community for sometime also find it stressful typing all five tags, to be sincere its not easy.

So here is my suggestion on how the tag part of steemit should be operated to ease both old and new users.
First there should be a drop down button on the tags part where someone can easily click to see tags he or she needs
With this it will be easier to select and search for tags, and once the drop down button is clicked it should show various tags and the user would stag make his or selection.
First tagIMG-20171220-WA0001.jpg
The second tag follows
The third also
The fourth also
And the fifth tag

We all know some people might forget the numbers of tag previously chosen or some might want to play smart to use more than 5 tags then the notification of using only 5 tags will pop out


Also various users create tags for their contest for easier accessibility, so they can type the tag while choose others

Now my conclusion of the whole stuff; if you followed the graphical illustrations you will find it that it will be hard for new users to get flagged for wrong tags or down voted since they can choose tags which suits their post easily. And for the dolphins and whales who are used to various tags that is needed it will be easier for them to select and reduce the stress and time of typing all five tags. Thank you

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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