OnePlace release v0.5.2: beneficiary whitelist, excluded tags


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Project description

OnePlace is a web-application built on Steem and Golos blockchains. As a basis we took Vue.js with SSR module for frontend and LoopBack for backend. Our project is fully open-source under MIT license.
Technology stack: Node.js, Vue.js, Loopback, Redis, MySQL
Latest release on GithubInstallation guide

Added features

Beneficiary whitelist

This feature allows us to drop beneficiary fees for chosen accounts. The accounts are selected by two principles:

  • Accounts that are whitelisted in the database.
  • Accounts that have voted our app @oneplace as a witness.

Relevant code added to publish extensions:

const extensions = []
if(!account.inWhiteList && !~account.witness_votes.indexOf('oneplace'))
extensions.push([0, {beneficiaries: [{account: this.beneficiarie, weight: 500}]}]) 

Full commit

Excluded tags

Sometimes there is a need to prevent some tags from publication in our client whether it's due to content restrictions or to avoid content conflict with other dApps. We have added a blacklist for tags that should be avoided. When trying to add such tag, a notice that the tag is not allowed for publication will be displayed.

Tag input validation was modified by checking for notExcludeTag condition:

   class="publish__tags-input input" 
   v-show="tags.length < 5"

let excludeTags = []
Validator.extend('notExcludeTag', {
  getMessage: field => 'Use only letters, digits and one dash',
  validate: value => !~excludeTags.indexOf(value)


// set for check validation
excludeTags = this.$ => tag.text) 

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3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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