Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Music Player GO


Linked Task Request

There wasn't any task request for this contribution. I only contacted the PO publicly through an Issue on the repository, to write a Frequently asked question and the PO accepted my proposal.
Link to issue/conversation


Music Player GO is a lightweight and ads free music player that plays music from local library. It’s colorful, simple and has 'unified' UI.

App Features

  • Music organized by artist;
  • Top panel containing the now played song. By clicking on it You can 'reveal'/close the artist's discography;
  • The now playing text is scrollable on long clicking when it is too long;
  • Fast scrolling;
  • Dark status bar icons for light accents;
    And lots more

Actual Contest

Music Player GO - Frequently Asked Questions

Music Player GO - FAQ

This frequently asked questions will be continually updated to accommodate new information with respect to new updates and changes on the app and will be used inside the app to help users find answers to their questions.

What is Music Player GO?

Music Player GO is a lightweight and ads free music player that plays music from local library. It’s colorful, simple and 'unified' UI.

Does Music Player GO uses equalizer?

Yes, Music Player GO uses the system (default) equalizer, that is the inbuilt equalizer.

Does Music Player GO play music tracks from online sources?

No, Music Player GO doesn't play music tracks from any online source, it only plays from local library.

Where can I find the equalizer?

The equalizer can be found at the lower part of the app, it’s like a bar icon beside the action bar.

How does Music Player GO categorized music tracks?

Music tracks are categorized into albums, each album consist of tracks from same album.

Can I customize the app theme to my taste?

Yes, you can change the look of the app in settings, the app colour can be changed as well as the theme; to either dark / light.

Can I exclude folders from my library?

No, the music library is scanned by the operating system. To exclude folders create a file called ".nomedia".

What sources does Blade plays from?

Music Player GO plays music tracks from local library no external sources are included.

Does Music Player GO access the internet?

No, Music Player GO doesn’t access the internet to. Internet permission is not required by this app.

Does this app keeps any information or data about me or my device?

Informations or datas are not kept by this app neither the device’s nor owner’s information is gotten by this app.

Where can I download Music Player GO?

Music Player GO can be here on the Google Play Store and here on F-Droid.

If you have other questions to ask which are not listed in the above FAQ, kindly ask by creating an issue. We will be available to give answers to your questions.

Additional Information

  • The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is a part of website that addresses common concerns, questions or objections that may be asked.
  • FAQ page also act as the first point of contact for visitors looking for answers before they reach out directly to the PO with questions.

The contribution has been merged and used by the PO on the project
Merged Pull Request

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