Inclusion of search lyrics, share to Lyrics and submit lyrics corrections



Lyrically is an application that gives free lyrics of music, all music on your device that are being played on Google Play Music ,Spotify, Phonograph, Shuttle, Poweramp, BlackPlayer and Rocket Player. My suggestion will be based on the home section, lyrics, and settings.

Proposal Description

In improving Lyrically application, I suggest that Search Lyrics button should be added to the home section of Lyrically. Also share button should be included in the lyrics playing section.

  • Search Lyrics - This feature is meant to allow users search for other song lyrics that are not available on their phone, the feature is to be located in the home section of the application.

  • Share Lyrics - The share lyrics will be a button that would allow users share lyrics to friends, and also copy lyrics to clipboard to enable easy copy and paste of the music lyrics.

  • Submit Corrections - The submit Corrections button, will involve ability for users to submiy music lyrics corrections and suggested corrections on the music lyrics.

Mockups / Examples

Search lyrics
The search lyrics button should be located at the home section.
This button will be used to search for other song lyrics, that are not available on the phone as shown below close to the share button.

The share button as shown above would be located in the lyrics section.


After clicking on the share button


The share button should contain copy to clipboard, and so many other platform that users can share the lyrics.

The submit lyrics button should be located at the end of the lyrics

Once users click on the button it should link directly to the project owner mail, for submitting the corrected lyrics.


  • Users will be able to search for other music lyrics that are not on their music play list. It will enable them get more lyrics, find the lyrics application much more interesting, and interactive.

  • Sharing of lyrics would be made easy, availability of copying lyrics would be made easy, for easy copy and paste of lyrics, by using the share button (Copy to clipboard).

  • Some lyrics can easily be corrected to bring the best out of the application, users will be given ability to contribute to the application and help the App improve.

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