Development of Utopian Reviews


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  • What is the project about?

This project was made to make Utopian reviews easy by providing a questionnaire and to maintain the transparency of the review it generates a result of the questionnaire for the contributors to check out.

One of the interesting parts was to not use a database for storing the answers to the questionnaire and allow users to know the answers to it without it.

For it, I made a route which can generate a reviews answer page based on the URL.

router.get('/result/:cat/:num', function (req, res, next) {
  let category =;
  let ans = req.params.num;
  if(category < 0 || category > 11)
  cat = questionnaire[category];
  let object= [];
  for (var i = 0; i < cat.length; i++) {
    obj = {};
    obj.question = cat[i].question;
    obj.answer = cat[i].answers[ans.charAt(i)]
  res.render('result', {object: object})

This route handles the URL and makes a result object and passes to template.

That result object is server side rendered and sent to browser.

Some screenshots of the webapp are attached below -

Home Page

Screenshot from 2018-05-20 21-01-41.png

Auto Generated Comment

Screenshot from 2018-05-20 21-02-11.png

Reviews Result Page

Screenshot from 2018-05-20 21-02-45.png

Technology Stack

If any app can be made in JS it will always be made in JS :P

  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • EJS

How to contribute?

I am not sure about the future plans of this project but I just turn to add features to it as mods and CMs may ask me to do so ;)

GitHub Account

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