Some lack features derogating Dir. Open source file manager amazing design


Dir. Is a simple file manger with over ten thousands user downloads. Its simplicity is what drag the huge amount of downloads. Thus, open source should modify this app once again for perfect features design layout by considering this proposal below.


I propose that dir. File manager moderator should consider in making this app to be more exciting and flexible. They should have a DELETE ICON which will however help users of Dir. Open source File manager to have their value by enabling them preview and delete unwanted media files. In other hand, PRESS-HOLD-DELETE of folder be provided.
MOVING OF FILES FROM FOLDER TO FOLDER; the dir. open source should also consider how this will look like to users if they can able to move files to intended folder.
CATEGORIES AND FILE NUMBERS should be added which will direct user to media files instantaneously without going through all files and showing numbers enable user to know how many files are in each several category.
SLIDESHOW: to this app will allow user to watch while pictures changing on it own without pressing next.
DETAIL: it will enable user to check properties of the image

Mockups / Examples!

Where slide show and detail should fix
Share I suppose to locate at right side and delete icon in the middle.


The placement of this additional features will ease users enable their continuous usage of Dir. Open source File manager.

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