Add playlist, Lyrics feature; Track sorting


  • Playlist - list of tracks to be played in a particular sequence
  • Lyrics - words to current playing song
  • Track sorting - arrangement of tracks


  • Playlist
    I propose that a "create playlist button" be implemented into the playlist section.

  • Lyrics
    There should be a tab to add lyrics of a song

  • Track sorting
    The tracks should be alphabetically arranged.

Mockups / Examples

Track arrangement.png
[Track Sorting]

Playlist icon.png
[Create playlist Icons]

Add Lyrics.png



The create playlist button would allow the user manually cretae a new playlist and pick from the track list tracks the individual wishes to add to the playlist rather than having to play the song first before having the option of adding to playlist, it gets streneous.


This feature would allows users to add lyrics file to a song and give the user he ability to paly a song and sing to it via the lyrics.

Track Sorting

The track tab should sort the tracks alphabetically as this would help users easily find/locate songs easily.

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