Development - Follow Bot Updates IV


These changes were made to this software which is released under “The Unlicense”. This software utilizes the Steem blockchain and primarily focuses on the Follow functionality, but does more than just that. It also contains the functionality to host a contest and for curation. It is intended to be used for other purposes in the future.

The files in the repository currently include:

  • config.js
  • deep_follow.js
  • follow_accounts.js
  • follow_back.js
  • follow_trending_authors.js
  • generate_contest_winners.js
  • get_reblogs_steemsql.js
  • library.js
  • library_auth.js
  • send_memo.js
  • start.js
  • unfollow.js
  • upvote_recent_from_trending_tags.js

See the README file on GitHub for a more detailed explanation of each of these files. There are instructions on how to configure each of the bots in the README file.


Summary of Updates

Updates to Follow Bots/Library

Create a bot to follow all the followers or following of a specified user account. It also accepts an array of users to follow which can be specified in config.js. Change library.js to accept username username=config.steem.username which can be set in config.js. Update all bots that use library.js. Update deep_follow to use library and fix library_auth.getFollowing/ers functions to handle multiple calls but not at the same time.

Updates to Contest Bot

The generate_contest_winners bot now allows entries to be configured to filter entries by deadline and manual disqualifications. The configuration was added to allow contest to require resteems, graphics and certain URLs.

Road Map

The code needs to better set-up to run automatically. Up until now, these scripts have been manually executed from the command line. Tasks or crons need to be set-up to allow this. It might be a good idea to allow some or all of the configurations to be passed in as parameters instead of just being set in the configuration file.

Add functionality in the library for useful functions from the API up at This library would have working example and bots that use them as has been demonstrated before. The library will also take care of some of the lower lever interaction with the API.

This repository will be a collection of various types of bots that primarily focus on the follow functionality offered by Steem. Possibly, this codebase needs to be branded and renamed to get better exposure. There are potentially many different sample bots that could be added to this project. They will be simple bots that can be personalized for different needs either through configuration or development.

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