Adding Location,Last Calls And Give Direction Features To Elmish Contacts



Elmish Contacts is an android mobile app used as an alternative for storing mobile number contact.


Elmish Contacts is a basic application where you can save new peoples number,save their location,find it on map.While i read one of the greatest moderator @tykee 's contribution about this application,i thought there could be a lot of improvements in to the application.These are ;

  • Give Directions
  • Last Calls
  • Send Location
Give Directions

When user meet with someone new they will save their phone number to this application,when they want to meet again they must know their location and it may be hard to find.Basically adding this feature will give users an ability to find the location of their friends.

As i will mention below if user sends location to other user,there will be an option in the "map" section that will give users a road directions.The direction can be find by car,subway,on foot and public transport.

Last Calls

When user wants to find who they called during for example last week,there will be a new section called "last calls" and it will show users the duration of call,who they called and the history.The difference of this feature between the "Tykee" and my suggestion is that you don't have to click specificly on random peoples in this feature.Users will just click "last calls" and they will see the all details.


Send Location

This feature will basically allow users to send their current location to another user.Users will click the user that they want to send location to and there will be a location icon that will share their current location.



All of the features that i mentioned above will make users job easier.Also these features will stop users going to another application for different feature for example; if user wants to send location they must use another application but after the improvements and implementations application will have much more features that will allow user to spend more time.

Proof Of Work Done

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