Adding download music video,change order,night mode and play in mini mode feature to Shuttle



Shuttle music player is an open source android mobile application for listening music.Shuttle has an alternative application called Shuttle+ which costs a money to buy.The difference in between these two are there are few features that users can only use with paying.You can find the regular one from here.

Shuttle music player doesn't have a feature to download a song in the application,so if users wants to add a music to their playlist they have to download from somewhere else.Since it is a music player,i thought that it would be great if it had a "download music" section.


Here is my proposals;

  • Download music video
  • Change order
  • Night Mode
  • Play in mini player
Download music video;

Shuttle music player can only be used if users have any music in their devices,with this feature users will be able to search the music they would like to listen and download it in the application.Users also will be able to set the quality of the music video before they download it,they can also download the music only in mp3 format.

How will it work?

Basically application will have a server with all of the music videos.When users do the searching,server will respond and show the results.



Change order;

After downloading and using the application for some time,i realized that when i want to listen any song in "songs" section i have to choose the songs one by one if i don't want to listen any song in line.Users will have to make a playlist if they only want to listen specific songs in their playlist.

After adding this feature,users will be able to change the location or row of the song on their playlist.

Users will click "sort icon" and after clicking the icon,they will be able to drag songs upper or down.


Night Mode

Users can change the background color from "settings>theme>black" but doing this everytime will make users feel uncomfortable.My suggestion is to add night mode icon in the top of screen to make users job easier.

Without Nightmode


With Nightmode [ I did not change background color on purpose to show icon]


Play in mini mode

Few days ago,Youtube announced a new feature called "mini mode" where you can still watch the video and surf around the application.My suggestion is,adding this feature to Shuttle app.Whenever users wants to surf around the application they will click the "mini mode" icon and they will be free to watch the video and surf around the application in the same time.


When i used the Shuttle music player,first thing i realized that i have to get out of the application to find,watch and download new musics.When users will be able to download any music video they like,they will not have to leave the application at all,also giving an opportunity to choose video quality and download format [mp3,mp4] will give users a lot option.

Also,when users want to listen two songs in their playlist they have to make a playlist or choose one by one if they are not one under the other or create a new playlist each everytime,but after adding this feature users will only click one button and they will be able to drag songs anywhere they want.

As a software developer,i know that the more effort the user give,more they don't like the app.After adding a night mode feature,users will be able to reach the night mode with one click instead of going to settings and finding it.

Finally the mini player will give users a freedom inside the application.Giving users an opportunity to watch the video and do whatever they want to do in the app will make users more habitual to the application.

Proof Of Work Done

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