Adding Character Count in Steemit 'Create a Post' : A better way Checking our Crafts

How about Adding a Character Count?


How about adding a Character Count feature in our Steemt Create a Post portion? Adding this feature would benefit a lot to our Steemit users & users since character count (LEN in bot's code) is basically part of the bot's parameters checking on how much Voting Percentage it must give to a post.

These are the following reasons why there's a need for us to add this feature :

  • This enables our Steemit users to see if they have input enough words to post their blogs. Short posts are somewhat not an advisable one. Though a short & direct post is advisable, there are instances that an enough length of post satisfied the user.
  • Too lengthy post makes it boring. By checking on the word count, users will be able to be notified or they can check if the amount of words/characters they used were too much. Realizations will come to chunk ideas to simplify them.
  • This is extremely helpful to the platform. Though character count is only a parameter set by and not in Steemit, this will still be beneficial for the purpose of some users preferring to use the Steemit site then paste it to
  • It follows the standard procedure of every word application. Microsoft word & Wordpress has this feature, which basically have foreseen that this creates impact on the users.

Parameters | Factors to Consider in Character Counting

  • Spacing is Included
  • Spacing must not be included if used two or three times in a single space.
  • Hastags must not be included (Number sign)
  • Links & Parenthesis must not be included
  • Only words, phrases, sentences and punctation marks are accepted any will be counted by the number of characters they had.
  • Title must not be included
  • New lines and tabs are also not included.

The Idea

Basically the idea is to auto-count the number of characters used in the sentence. Though some of the things above are considered as characters, there's a purpose of abusing it especially the number of characters a link has. If you see, if you upload an image in Steemit there will be another 64 bit character on the image name.

Hoping this feature will be implemented.

I firmly believe this will be an additional feature for the convenience of the platform. Thank you very much!

Hope this will also be implemented in


Thank you everyone.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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