"@busy.pay" seems to be able to vote more.





"@busy.pay" is an account operated by 0.51 million SP delegated from @misterdelegation, which is the account of STEEM_INC.

Therefore, it is recommended that the delegated SP be utilized as effectively and efficiently as possible.


The chart above shows the daily voting power consumption trend for the "@busy.pay" account.

As you can see, between January 23rd and July 28th, last year, the voting power consumption rate fluctuated significantly, and many days exceeded 100%.

However, since July 29, "BUSY"side has a more accurate voting system and the voting power consumption has also stabilized downward. Let's zoom in on the chart again.


It is now a problem because the voting power consumption rate is too low.


The voting power consumption rate for the whole period is 88%, but it is as low as 80% since July 29 last year. Even lower this year to 75%. That is, 25% is not used.


Of course, the reason why the daily voting power consumption rate declines is basically the decrease in posts.

Please check the trend of the green line. On the contrary, average voting weight per post is on the rise. Nonetheless, 25% of the available voting power per day this year is meaninglessly lost.

Proposal Description

Please select various improvement measures and increase the voting power consumption rate.

Of course, it can be difficult because it requires some predictions.

For example, based on the average voting power consumption rate of the last week, we can think about raising the voting weight per post altogether. Of course, the underlying period is just an example.

The easier way is to narrow the voting interval. For example, "@busy.pay" will be able to vote every 18 hours instead of every 20 hours.

Mockups / Examples

  • Now


  • Future


In the near future, please increase the average voting power consumption level to more than 90%. 90% is just an example. Increasing voting power consumption has its own significance.


① "@busy.pay" can give authors more rewards.

This improvement has the advantage of giving authors more rewards.

Since the "BUSY" side has received the SP delegation of STEEM_INC, it is necessary to use the SP more effectively and efficiently. Even if it is troublesome, it is necessary to improve the voting system appropriately to the changing situation.

② "@busy.pay" can also get more curation rewards.


According to my recent research, in January of this year, the curation yield of "@busy.pay" was 4.9%.

Analysis of actual curation yield distribution

This is a pretty good curation yield, but if "@ busy.pay" increase the voting power resumption rate, the "busy" side can get 20 to 30 percent additional curation revenue.

The Data and Queries

I did this analysis by connecting to the @steemsql db with MSSQL client(Microsoft SQL server management studio), Excel.

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