Swarmops Greek Translation (Part 3 - approximately 1232 words)

Hello everyone! Let's start with the basics once again:


Project Details

As mentioned in my previous contributions, I have been on a new Steemit mission since @utopian-io & @davinci.witness launched the Translations Category, giving us the chance to offer our services and provide quality translations for various Open Source projects. Having successfully completed the translation of the files of FreeCAD into Greek, I thought it was time to move on to my next project, and therefore, I started working on the files of Swarmops. This is a Backend office tool that provides the user with unique options, and can be a great asset for any bitcoin-native, permissionless company.


Image Source: twitter.com

This is just a reminder of the importance of all Open Source communities in a hectic world of scientific development and suppression of information:

Open Source means true freedom; there are no limitations. What better way to assist scientific progress and development than with the creation of free powerful tools. And even though this is not news to many of you, it is worth noting that what makes Swarmops such an effective and useful tool is the fact that it is an Open Source project. This is what enables bright minds from all over the world to contribute to the development of Swarmops in the first place, making it possible to constantly improve all aspects of the software. Suppression of information can slow our civilization's progress down, that's why Open Source projects are a technological blessing of our times.

And this is where you can find more information about Swarmops:

For more information regarding this wonderful Open Source project you can visit the the project's Official Twitter Page. If you are interested in contributing to the development of Swarmops, here's where you can open a pull request. If there's any specific kind of information you'd like to read about this project, please leave your requests in the comments below and I will undoubtedly do my best to provide all information necessary promptly.

I'm glad I was given the opportunity to offer my services and therefore I will continue to work hard and do my best.

Contribution Specifications

  • Translation Overview

This is the third part of this task. I'd like to mention once again that this project consists of 11,547 words, and the translation of its files into Greek was already 57.4% complete before I started working on this project. Out of a total of 24 files, 18 were already translated into Greek by a fellow team member, and therefore, I was left with 6 files and approximately 4,913 words to work on. Taking everything mentioned above into consideration, and in order to be able to provide a quality end product, I have decided that I will be translating from 1,000+ to 1,200+ words in each part, making sure to conclude this project in 4 parts. My translation is now 88.8% complete and subject to @dimitrisp's proof-reading.

  • Languages

The current project is being translated from English into Greek.

  • In This Session

I made sure to check all previously translated strings of the Pages.Ledgers.resx file, before I started working on its remaining strings. Even though all previously submitted suggestions regarding the strings of this file were mine, I wanted to make sure that everything was intact before I started working on this session's strings. It is worth noting that the translation of the Pages.Ledgers.resx file's strings into Greek is now approximately 74% complete.



To be fair, this was another relatively easy part, even though there is not so much information on the web regarding Swarmops. It is also worth noting that I was faced with a few obstacles, such as the fact that some strings are poorly written, which is something that can cause great confusion regarding the true meaning of a phrase. Nevertheless, the available context in the vast majority of this project's strings is more than sufficient. On to this session's mini sample:

Here's a little taste of the Pages.Ledgers.resx file's strings that were translated in this session:

Date and time of transaction (UTC)

This string's meaning is quite obvious. In case you think it's not, then I assure you that it refers to the exact point in time (Coordinated Universal Time) when a specific transaction took place. Greek translation: Ημερομηνία και ώρα συναλλαγής (UTC)

The payments file was successfully imported. {1:N0} payment(s) in {0:N0} group(s), totalling {3} {2:N2}, were imported.

This string refers to a message displayed in order to provide the user with bookkeeping information regarding payment files. Greek translation:Το αρχείο πληρωμών εισήχθη επιτυχώς. Έγινε εισαγωγή {1:N0} πληρωμής(ων) σε {0:N0} ομάδα(ες), συνολικού ύψους {3} {2:N2}.

Document validation by {0} on {1:yyyy-MMM-dd}

Αnother message directed to the user, displayed in order to provide information about the validation of a specific document by an organization. Greek translation: Επικύρωση εγγράφου από {0} στις {1:yyyy-MMM-dd}

Hope you enjoyed this mini sample. As mentioned above, the vast majority of the strings included in the files of Swarmops are well-written.

It is more than obvious that this was a couple of good days at the office. However, as demonstrated in the mini sample above, the utilization of technical terms induces the need for research in various cases. It is fortunate that the vast majority of the project's strings are well-written; a fact that in combination with the availability of context for most of those strings makes this task easier than it may seem at first sight.

In conclusion, another part of this project has come to an end. I am now left with only one more part to work on before the translation of my 3rd project is completed. I love milestones! I must admit that I have been having great fun working on the files of Swarmops, and I have definitely learned a lot so far. I will keep working hard to make sure that this project is completed successfully and quality standards are kept high.

Oh, by the way, I thought I'd make this post a little less boring than usual, but let's always remember:



  • Word Count

According to Crowdin, in this part I translated 1,232 words (1,256 as demonstrated on Crowdin, minus approximately 2% of those as untranslated words). I have now translated a total of 3,626 words.

Proof of Authorship

Special thanks to each and everyone of you who took the time to read this post and get informed about my contribution. I'm grateful to all the wonderful people who have been supporting all along.

Much love and respect to my awesome fellow translators: @katerinaramm & @trumpman! The same goes for our tireless, benevolent and patient LMs: @dimitrisp & @ruth-girl!

Last but never least, a big thank you to @utopian-io and @davinci.witness for giving us the opportunity to provide our services and for keeping this project up and running!

greek team gif 2.gif

GIF created by @ruth-girl!

Image Sources: 1st & 2nd Images by @pab.ink / 3rd, 4th & 5th Images from the Public Domain

I am a proud member of the Greek team.

Have a great day!


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