iMacros - Facebook Scripts Code Improvments And Restructuring With Debug mode


New Features And Bug fixes commit 1

  • Debug mode for Facebook Scripts
  • Update Some attributes according to facebook as (3rd party).
  • Code Restructuring With comments.

The following function will allow for the developer to change the browser UserAgent to meet the scripts requirements for any issue like switching between mobile and it also will activate the built-in debug-mode.

function onDebug() {
    if (EASY_DEBUG_MODE) {
      window.console.log(`%ciMacros DEBUG MODE IS ACTIVATED`, 'background: red; color: white');
      let first_time = 0;
      if (!first_time) {
        iimPlayCode("SET !USERAGENT " + USER_AGENT_STRING + "\n");
        first_time = 1;
    } else
      return '';

I also updated the code for facebook login page to work with latest facebook page for some scripts

with some updates on macro tasks and code organization.

Solved a documentation issue

I have responded to an issue for twitter scripts then I have solved that issue by this commit 2 it contains a description for every script and the data-sources needed and some details.

Technology Stack

  • Firefox 52 ESR
  • iMacros 8.9.7 for Firefox
  • iMacros built-in JavaScript scripting interface

Basic Usage


Operating SystemBrowserAddon
Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10Firefox 52 ESRiMacros 8.9.7
LinuxFirefox 52 ESRiMacros 8.9.7
Mac OSFirefox 52 ESRiMacros 8.9.7

Clone the git repository with

git clone

Then Add (yourscript.js)

To your iMacros/Macros Folder

Then Create/Edit (yourdatasourcefile.txt/csv/conf) file inside Datasources folder

Then open Firefox and hit F8


  • Continuing creating iMacros Scripts
  • Make sure all scripts are compatible with iMacros Firefox ESR (Non-Quantum) as well as iMacros Personal Edition or Higher to work as long as possible.
  • Documentation for all scripts and prepare it to be very clear and ready to used in any other framework (open-source)
  • Scripts more stability.

How to contribute?

Create A New Pull Request, Add Feedback in comments, Open New Issue for scripts bugs, Feel like its your own repository all ideas are welcome.

Github Account

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