Promoting Wordpress to Africa


What is Wordpress?

Wordpress is a content management system like Joomla, Drupal etc. Many well-known business and many famous blogs, music sites, movie sites etc. using wordpress today. It is written in PHP which is also a well known software language. It enables people to customize their blogs easily.

Why Wordpress?

The main four reasons are: It is totally free. It is an open source project. It is resource effective. And lastly it is easy to learn and use. You can find many sources and tutaorials about wordpress usage. And also you can develop wordpress themes or plugins and earn money from there since there is a huge community. As a conclusion i need to say that, it is the most popular content management system in the World.

My connections:

I used a socialmedia platform which is Facebook is one of the most famous socialmedia platforms. Therefore I promote open source projects through Facebook. Thus you can see my promotion from these links. Here is my facebook links;


According to my tags, facebook gives me 88.000.000 potential reach number. Also I choosed all men and women that their ages between 18-65 in the Africa. Wordpress is an easy solution between content management systems, so even a person who has low knowledge about technology can use it. So many people in the Africa may want to use wordpress since the internet usage is growing there.


As an activity I used Facebook. Thus I promote my open source Project from Facebook with a page. With this page I promote open source Project through Facebook ads. I shared a post from Facebook page that as you can see below;

wordpress1 jasinai.PNG


For this promotion I spent 7.97 TL. Thus I reached 5.941 people with these ads. Reaching people I got 67 link clicks, 8 other clicks and 4 likes,shares&comments. You can see as a photograph below;

More Graphs


This is my proof video:

Targeted Audience


Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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