Suggestions Add Feature Headset/Bluetooth on Odyssey Music


Odyssey Music is one of the fastest android music players and has a very large library, but does not have a Headset / Bluetooth feature. So users can not enjoy music with Headset / Bluetooth. If this app has that feature, users can control the music with an external bluetooth headset device. so a Odyssey Music app supporting bluetooth headset devices makes it easy for users to listen to music through this app.


I propose that the developers of this app add features bluetooth headset, users can play music with odyssey music apikasi by connecting bluetooth headset device and can control it without having mengistal other applications.

Mockups / Examples

I suggest to developers to add Headset / Buetooth features in this app. Adding the Headset / Bluetooth feature in the Odyssey music app makes this app more advanced than any other music player. here's an example I made on the Odyssey Music app.
odyssey copy.jpg


With Odyssey music features will make it easier for users to enjoy music with a headset / bluetooth, without having to download other applications to save user space and this will make odyssey music more advanced and professional with various other music players. I really need this feature because I often spend time in the car on the way. I hope this suggestion will help improve the music of Odyssey for Android apps if the next update is in the future.

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