Preview feature on steepshot app


Posting on steemit and utopian platform are at times make much easier because of the preview feature on the posting page where users get to see beforehand how their posts will look like atfer posting them even before posting such posts, so when I can't find this feature on steepshot app posting page I was so disappointed and that's why I'm now suggesting it addition right away.


Preview feature will make it possible for users to detect any errors on their posts no matter how little they are and users will also be able to see how the combination of the pictures, descriptions and tags on the posting page will look like after posting them.

Preview feature Design

This feature should be situated on the posting page below the add Hashtag button and all the post details will be clearly display below the preview button.




This feature will help users to see how their posts will look like after posting them even before they do and also errors will be much easier to identify and correct on the application.

All images are screenshots on my Gionee M6 Phone.

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