WordpressTranslation, Simplified ChineseTranslation Part 1 (796 words)

WordpressTranslation, Simplified ChineseTranslation Part 1 (796 words)

WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app.

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# Today i translated 796 words for Wordpress



Some my translations are illustrated with the following image.


上传文件中 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:06 PM
如果宽度值为空,嵌入内容将默认为您主题的最大宽度 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:05 PM
最大嵌入尺寸 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:04 PM
如果可能,从URL直接将媒体内容嵌入至页面中。例如:链接至Flickr和YouTube wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:04 PM
自动嵌入 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:02 PM
嵌入 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:02 PM
大尺寸 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:02 PM
最大高度 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:02 PM
最大宽度 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:02 PM
中等尺寸 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 02:01 PM
缩略图尺寸 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:59 PM
图片尺寸 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:55 PM
您可以设置插入您写入内容中图片的最大尺寸;您也可以按照图片实际大小插入图片 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:54 PM
媒体设置 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:52 PM
清空 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:52 PM
背景颜色 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:52 PM
颜色 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:52 PM
固定值 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:51 PM
滚屏 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:51 PM
背景附件 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:51 PM
附件 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:51 PM
垂直平铺 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:51 PM
水平平铺 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:50 PM
平铺显示 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:50 PM
无重复 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:50 PM
背景反复 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:49 PM
重复 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:49 PM
背景位置 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:49 PM
位置 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:49 PM
显示选项 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:48 PM
此操作将恢复原始背景图片。您将无法恢复任何自定义设置 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:48 PM
恢复原始图片 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:47 PM
删除背景图片 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:47 PM
背景图片 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:46 PM
自定义背景 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:46 PM
很多用户利用键盘的快捷键使审核他们的评论更加快捷。点击以下链接了解更多内容 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:46 PM
黄色的行表示此评论等待您进行审核 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:44 PM
评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:41 PM
未知操作 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:41 PM
此评论目前在回收站中 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:41 PM
此评论目前已被批准 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:40 PM
您将批准以下评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:39 PM
永久删除评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:39 PM
您将删除以下评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:39 PM
您将将以下评论移至回收站中 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:38 PM
垃圾评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:37 PM
您将标记以下评论为垃圾评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:37 PM
您没有编辑此评论的权限 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:36 PM
抱歉,次ID没有评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:35 PM
编辑评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:35 PM
未知帖子类型 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:34 PM
后退 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:34 PM
在WordPress之前版本中,所有的导入都是内置的,但是在3.0以后,他们已经被作为插件,因为大多数人只是用一次或很少使用它们。 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:30 PM
博客 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:27 PM
输入 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:26 PM
你没有足够的权限在此网站输入内容。 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:26 PM
此评论已被标记为垃圾邮件 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:25 PM
%s 评论从回收站中恢复 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:25 PM
%s 评论永久被删除 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:24 PM
此评论已经被批准 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:24 PM
查看回收站 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:23 PM
此评论已经在回收站中了 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:23 PM
查看垃圾箱 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:23 PM
搜索评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:22 PM
发布已提交。前一篇发布 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:21 PM
发布已保存 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:20 PM
发布已更新 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:19 PM
自定义字段已更新 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:19 PM
自定义字段已删除 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:19 PM
自定义字段更新 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:18 PM
发布已更新。浏览发布内容。 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:18 PM
类别和标签转换器 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:17 PM
如果你的书签工具被隐藏了,复制以下代码,打开你的书签管理器,建立新书签,在字段字中输出“点击这里”,然后将之前的代码粘贴到URL字段中 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:16 PM
WordPress已经安装成功。你是否在期待更多步骤?对不起让你失望了 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:03 PM
点这里 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:01 PM
工具 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:00 PM
成功 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 01:00 PM
当你评论一个有显示头像功能的网站时,无论你在任何博客中头像是出现在你名字边上的图片。当然,你可以让给你网站评论的人显示头像。 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:58 PM
评论黑名单 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:50 PM
如果一个评论包含n或多个链接,将此评论暂存在队列中。(垃圾评论的通用特征是它包含大量的超链接) wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:50 PM
评论审核 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:43 PM
评论作者之前必须有过被认可过的评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:43 PM
管理员必须同意评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:41 PM
在一条评论出现之前 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:39 PM
每个人发表一个评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:36 PM
任何时候发电子邮件给我 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:36 PM
较新的 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:34 PM
以前的 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:34 PM
最初 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:33 PM
最后 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:32 PM
某些天以上的文章自动关闭评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:32 PM
(注册已被禁止,只有此网站会员才能评论) wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:31 PM
用户必须注册并登录后方可进行评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:29 PM
评论作者必须填写名字和电子邮件 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:29 PM
其他评论设置 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:28 PM
这些设置会被单独文章覆盖 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:27 PM
允许用户在新文章发布评论 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:25 PM
允许链接其他博客的通知(自动引用通知和参照告知)。 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:24 PM
剪裁与发布 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:17 PM
这一页面允许你在媒体库的文件中编辑元数据的五个字段。 wordpress.pot Chinese Simplified 12:17 PM

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