Translations / Crowdin / from-en into dutch Part 2

Project Details

Crowdin is a Localization Management Platform for mobile, web & desktop apps, games and help-desks. On this great platform developers can order translations for their products. These projects will be leaded by a projectmanager which is a native English speaker with knowledge of programming and the Crowdin Platform. The translators for these projects are professional native speakers that are dedicated to translating.

I love to translate so i already put my effort in some great projects at this platform. Now Crowdin need their own project to be translated. For me a great chance to show my appreciation for all their effort by making this hobby- project one of the best translation platforms worldwide, used by me and a more than a million other users.

Did you ever asked yourself who is making all that cool free program's and applications you use everyday? Aren't you thankfull because they make your live so much easier and fun? All these applications are designed by dedicated developers to improve your experience on the internet, your web- and desktop apps, and the applications on your mobile phone. Now you can show your translating- skills and help us to make your favorite apps available for a wider public! If you also like to translate you can join us at Crowdin. They can use good translators like you and it's a great and thankfull job!

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language


Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1368

Proofread Words


Previous translation on the same project

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 1216







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