1UP-Date: Aligning with #TribeVibes & How the 1UP SMT Project Will Benefit Steemit & Everyone on the Platform


What is 1UP In A Nutshell?

1UP is a new open source community up-voting app where user votes are equal. It up-votes the ten highest ranked posts daily in each community, with a smart curation rewards system. We create the UP token based on Steem's upcoming Smart Media Token (SMT), and distribute it to Steemians and communities via various airdrops. UP holders will support community growth and enjoy higher than average returns through smart curation.

For more information please check out our @Fundition fundraiser below.

1UP FundraiserToken Distribution
Community Airdrop: #SteemMonstersCommunity Airdrop: #Esoteric

Open Source Repository



How Can 1UP Help you Advance?

@flauwy has been diligently working on developing the 1UP Smart Media Token project, that is going to benefit everyone who becomes involved. There is a vast array of technical details associated with this project that I am only just beginning to understand, so I will not be outlining too many of them. The purpose of this article is to help spread the word about 1UP before its launch, so more Steemians can get their foot in the door early, and achieve greater benefits as a result.

@hempress and I met @flauwy at the #anarchapulco conference last year in Mexico, and when we did, this guy was bursting with positive energy, light, and great ideas he was enthusiastic about. The idea that struck me the most was his plans to create a platform or SMT that supports/connects esoteric medicines, rituals, and practitioners. This would encompass everything from ayahuasca ceremonies, mushrooms, and cannabis, to alchemical experiments and ancient teachings. I absolutely loved this idea, and was ready to jump on board. @flauwy has now absorbed this idea into the 1Up project.

Image provided by @ELAmental

The idea of having a voting system where each person has the same voting weight is brilliant, and extremely fair. But more than that, 1UP also implements a rotating voting "cool-down" system, so more people have a shot at the higher rewards each day, and one person does not continuously stack all of them.

Image credit goes to @kayrex & @flauwy

1Up tokens are SMT's that you will be rewarded with along side your normal Steemit rewards. There are a few ways you will be able to participate in this initiative. You can be a part of 1UP by delegating, 1UP-voting, creating 1UP promotional posts, videos, graphics, and via all the special community airdrops. Early delegators also have the potential to become large stake holders within the 1UP system.

Each day there will be ten posts per tag which the community has awarded the most votes, that will receive the higher rewards from 1UP. You can increase your chances each day by adding another qualifying post to the pool, and as stated above, once selected, you will be in cool-down to give others a chance to be selected.

Image Provided by @flauwy

The beta version of 1UP is set to release sometime in October 2018 (next month), which is when everyone will be able to begin using the 1UP voting system, and also when a bunch of airdrops will be delivered to everyone. The beta version will run until the SMTs release with the next hard fork. The amount of airdrops received is determined by your Steemit User Authority Score (UA), which can be found on https://steem-ua.com/. The UA score is the product of a rigorous algorithm tracking following patterns down to a few degrees, plus various other factors, to calculate a complex equation that produces a number for all Steemit accounts. It is based on the Google SEO algorithm.

How 1UP Will Benefit the Blockchain

& Untie the Spirits of the Stars

Conversating with @flauwy about the future of this project led us to discussing how all the conscious communities we are a part of, and have been coalescing, can be supported in only one tag, which would fill the final tag support slot for 1UP. If you have been following my blog or are in one of our tribes (@EarthTribe - @FreedomTribe - @TibeSteemUp) or other affiliated groups (@TeamGood - @EcoTrain - @DynamicSteemians - @NaturalMedicine - @Canna-Curate - @SSG-Community), then you are probably aware of our intentions to unite all of our conscious communities together under one banner.

Image created by @edxserverus

I recently had an idea to create a master account that would act as energy center for community consciousness integration at the highest level possible. Today this type of account became a necessity, since this type of integration is required for our communities to receive proper and efficient support from the 1UP program. Now that the master account has a vital purpose, we decided that it was time to bring it into this Steemit world officially.

The other nine tags that will be supported by 1UP are:


After several brainstorming sessions with some of my co-workers, @alchemage, and @hempress, we came up with a tag for the tenth and final spot on the 1UP support list, that represents all of our tribes, conscious communities, and all other conscious creators our communities have yet to discover. That tag is:


You do not have to be a member of one of our groups or tribes to use this tag, you just have to create content that aligns with our values. Any and all attempts at spamming/overusing this tag, or using this tag with content that does not align with our values of healing, progressive evolution, and consciousness, will result in a permanent black listing of that account from 1UP support. This will stop people from abusing the #tribevibes tag, and taking value away from deserving posts. Do not let this discourage those of you that are creating great content that is helping humanity and the environment however, this is here to protect you, not hurt you.

In order for this tag to be truly effective in the long run, a master account was also created for this part of the 1UP project, that is also known as @TribeVibes (will be active in a few days since AnonSteem is currently down). When the hive-mind protocol releases with hardfork 21, we will transform that account into a proper community account where we will then consider community control vs individual control. Now all of our conscious communities/creators will have a chance to be unified under one master account, and one tag. Beauty in the making...

Image Source

1UP is also not exclusive to the tribes/groups I have highlighted here. The 1UP project is open to ALL Steemit communities, which is a great way to help advance the entire Steemit blockchain as a whole. Limiting this particular initiative to ONLY conscious communities would have been inefficient for platform advancement, but offering a more inclusive position to our conscious communities will inspire those outside of them to begin participating in efforts that will not only advance this platform, but also manifest a better world in general. Super synergism at its best right here folks.

It is my hope that each and every one of you reading this post decides to be a part of the 1UP project. You and everyone else on Steemit, has nothing but good wisdom to acquire, and higher rewards to receive through this initiative. If you have any further questions about the 1UP project, please comment below, and @flauwy and I will do our best to address any concerns. Do not forget to start using the #tribevibes tag in all your comprehensive conscious articles

Blessings everyone & stay tuned - into the right frequencies.



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