Generate a word cloud for any account!

Have you ever wanted to summarize another user in a word cloud?

Well now you can here!

Just type in an account name and press "Generate"

Here's @dan for exampleScreen Shot 2018-02-22 at 11.17.49 PM.png

Here's the github repository
And a couple videos live streaming me doing most of the coding: Part 1 Part 2

  • What is the project about?

The goal of this project is to explore steem and it's use for creating interesting data displays. Ideally it would also service as examples for the steem api which would make the lives of other steem developers easier.

  • Technology Stack

The technology stack is fairly simple. Everything is contained within a single html page: javascript, css, html. Github pages is used to host the simple tool. If there's any sort of desire for it, I would be up for adding something like webpack and heroku hosting.

  • Roadmap

My plan is to create more simple displays and examples of how to use the steem api. Ideally, the features could lead to a more complicated and focused app.

  • How to contribute?

Please file issues on github or contribute by opening a pr against the repo. I'm pretty responsive and would appreciate any feedback.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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