Inclusion of settings button and Add Contact button on mixion android app


Mixion is an android application that gives users the ability to browse steemit and perform some steem related tasks such as: upvote, making of posts, view profile, etc., on Android devices without using a web browser. The application has a very promising future. I have some suggestions which i think will improve it.


I recently downloaded the Mixion android app , with that I thought I was done with accessing steemit through the web but I discovered the app lacked a settings button. So I will like to propose the inclusion of a settings button on the Mixion android button.

Mixion app being an android steemit app should be able to accommodate more than one account. So i am proposing the inclusion of Add Contact button on the app.

Mock Up/Examples

Below shows examples of what am proposing




for Settings button

  • This will aid in the changing of display pictures.

  • it will also help in charging of display name

  • it will help in the management of ones steemit page without visiting the web

for Add Contact button

  • It will help Mixion app users manage more than one account.

  • it enables two people use one app

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