Top media dapps of 2019 —



Welcome to another post on the top media dapps of 2019. This is an addition to the existing list of posts written by me in response to a call by @oracle-d and @dapplovers to review media dapps. This post will focus on the platform.

Life has blessed each individual with a unique talent and skill. If you do a quick survey, you will find out that a group of a thousand young minds will have different talents, skills and passion. This means that what fuels the passion of Mr A might differ from what fuels the passion of Mr B.
Sadly, the job that pays the bill might not be the one that the individual is passionate about. Another funny aspect is that most people would leave their current job if they turned their passion into money. This means that having a platform that can reward unique talent is a welcome development. This post will focus on such a platform known as knacksteem.

What is

I define knacksteem as a platform on the steem blockchain that gives the users the ability to showcase their talent and skills while earning from it. This means that a user with a writing skill or cultural talents can showcase this talent by contributing to the appropriate category. The users enjoy not only doing what they are passionate about but also get incentives from the account.
This means building a community of like-minded persons just got simplified.

How to get started on

Getting started on knacksteem is simple. Follow the steps below to make your first contribution to

  • Visit the knacksteem official website Here.
  • Click the login button.

*Input your login details in the steem connect interface.

  • After a successful login, it will redirect you to the homepage.

To make your first post, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the 'write’ button.
  • Input your title and message body in the respective editors available.
  • Choose and add you your desired image from this button.
  • Select your desired tags.
  • You can have a glimpse of your post by clicking the ‘preview’ button or you can hit the ‘Post’ button.
    imag sh.jpg

Congratulations, you have just successfully made your first post on

Features of Knacksteem

There are features and components of knacksteem that are worth mentioning. Some of them include:

Simple user interface.

The platform’s interface on my device was okay. I could navigate through the platform with no need for additional tutorials. The Icons used are clear enough for any user to understand the meaning.

Categorization of skills and quality control.

Platforms like this can easily be abused. Knacksteem has made sure they put potential abusers in check by having a moderating team. They saddle the moderators with the responsibilities of checking all post on cue, scoring each post on a scale of zero to one hundred (0-100) and making sure that a quality contribution has more rewards than the lesser one.
Knacksteem also has nine categories. These categories include:

  • Altruism
  • Art
  • DIY
  • Documentary
  • Fashion
  • Gaming
  • Humour
  • Music
  • Tech Trends

There are guidelines available to the contributors of each category.

Good Editor

I like the editor available on knacksteem. I could do basic functions like choosing the heading, bolding a text, add italic, add a quote, add a link, add an image, add a list and even add codes.
This is commendable.

Profile section

This section enabled me to check and edit my profile. All your knacksteem post will be found here.

The profile page also gives me access to my wallet, followers, accounts I’m following and my activities.

Advantage of

The main advantage of knacksteem, in my opinion, is the ability to reward skills, talents and passion. This is a dream come true for so many people who had previously never earned from their talent.

Disadvantage of

In my opinion, the main disadvantage of the platform is the inability of everyone to partake. I think creating a category limits the number of participants. There are people that have other talents which are not among the mentioned categories and it would be better if it gave them the opportunity to at least showcase what they can offer.


The only similar platform that is worth comparing with knacksteem is known as
While knacksteem rewards talents, passion, culture and other skills, rewards users for their contribution to open source projects.
Knacksteem was originally a fork of before the founder @knowledges saw the need to build the platform from scratch.
@knowledges as at the time of this post is a community manager at


Since there are moderators, there should be a category named ‘others’. It should allow users to post any personal skill or talent that are not in the other nine categories. This will help more users participate while helping discover more talents.

Conclusion and Rating is an answered prayer to many skilled people. It is a work in progress and I expect a lot of future developments. I recommend it to everyone who wants to get incentives from their skills.

For their good work, they have a star rating of 4.6 from me.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are entirely my view and do not reflect the mind or view of anyone else.


I wrote this post and all its contents based on my experience, research, knowledge, and personal use of the knacksteem platform.
Most images are from my usage screenshots, and I provided links to all external images where applicable.


Visit State of the dapps "knacksteem" link: for more information.

You can also visit to learn and have detailed information on lots of dapps on the blockchain.

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