Is DiMsHiK (Dima Vishnevetsky) drinking coffee right now?


① What is the project about?

Is DiMsHiK (Dima Vishnevetsky) drinking coffee right now? is a fun "One-day" project I did to present the coffee intake data I'm collecting about myself.

When you enter the page, you can see what is the probability that I'm drinking coffee ☕️right now.

The data is based on 693 cups of coffee I drank over a period of a few years,
from 2015-10-11 to 2018-03-11.

I'm a big fan of DATA, so I wear Samsung gear s2 (classic) and log almost each coffee cup I drink.

There is also a Node.js script on the master branch to convert the exported CSV from Samsung health to a simple JSON file for this client application.

Existing features:

Show the probability of the current time (NOW)

Change time

Convert Samsung health data to a simple format for this client app.

Responsive and mobile friendly.

② Technology Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery (time plugin)
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Node.js
  • responsive SVG.

③ Roadmap

  • For now, the coffee intake data needs to be extracted and converted manually.
    I'm planning to create a server layer that will connect to the Samsung health API and pull the data once a day.
  • Add some more statistics:
    • Day of the week I drank the most coffee cups on
    • Earliest/Latest hour I drank coffee
    • Maximal coffee cups drank per day

④ How to contribute?

This project has been developed using simple web technologies, without any fancy framework. You can fork the project, and run it locally. It is very easy. Follow the steps described in the open source repository installation guide.

Github: Is DiMsHiK (Dima Vishnevetsky) drinking coffee right now?

  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request.

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