Translation: ancap-ch from en into Nigerian pidgin - 1048 words (Part 2)

Project Details

This project is totally based on the Liberation and Anarcho-capitalist text resource project. And the creator/owner of the project Thi (swfsql) has done very well in making this project possible to be translated into different languages. I liked this because it becomes well easily understood in other languages. It explains that the libertarian theory principles should be consider for making valid claims in any argument.

Links related to the translation

Source Language

American English

Translated Language

Nigerian Pidgin

Number Of Words


Number of words translated on this contribution: 0

Proofread Words

Everything has already been merged

Previous translation on the same project

Link to former translation

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 0

Proofread of Words

p03 ch02 we.PNG

p03 02bre.PNG

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