Calendar and event reminder should be added to Simple Draw application to help users set dates with reminder of upcoming events..


Simple draw is a free and open source application for android devices. Simple draw is used in making quick designs and drawing. Users can easily make sketches and designs on the run without stress. The application provides features like color, brush size, undo and a lot of other nice features. But it doesn't have calendar and event reminder.


I request for the inclusion of calendar and event reminder on this app, if this is implemented it will help user set a date on their calendar to remind them of a special event, or remind them a deadline for a job delivery.

Mockups / Examples

The screenshots will show how this features will appear if implemented..

This will show where the calendar icon will be located...

When you click on the calendar icon, the calendar page will open...And the event reminder should be add to the calender so it will make it easy for the users to use..

When you click on the drop down menu...Then you can set your reminder..


An application like Simple Draw should give a room for it user to be able to set a date for themselves so to remind them of special and important events. Especially as an artist, people will always give you jobs and deadline of when the job is to be delivered. This will be an important features if added to the application because it will help in reminding them of such dates and event.

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