sychronizing contact and background change to the app


sure spot is an open source application that is designed to allow the general public download it free without paying a dime. this is done because they believe that every person has the right to access a tool they can use to communicate without being subjected to data mining, behavior trending, and other surveillance liberties corporations.inviting friend can be made more easier and also the dull background can also be enhanced.


I propose that the app should be linked to phone contacts. This should be users on mobile that already install the app, only numbers that have access to the app will be synchronized. once a user wants to add friends ,clicking on a button will automatically add all sure spot users on his mobile automatically without selecting them one after the other and once they accept, they are connected.

Secondly, i will like to propose the addition of colorful background that changes display automatically in place of the black and white theme present on the app. this will cause the background of the application to change from one color to another at given period of time as set by the user on the app. In other word, it causes the background Change automatically by predefined set time.

Mockups / Examples

images of how friends are invited one by one

IMG_20180317_211028.jpg IMG_20180317_211758.jpg

image of contact syncronization


images of the automatic change of background color
gfd.jpg IMG_20180317_211223.jpg


it enable users to making the application match their brand's colors without having to compromise on their color choices. color can be changed frequently when the switch is activated. the automatic color changer will give the screen different effect as the color changes periodically,This provide a vast number of options to change background of the application at any point in time.When desired color available, users will find the application more attractive and it wont be bored looking at beautiful colors on their phone while on surespot.

The automatic change of background will beautify the app with the display of several colors and it makes the app look attractive . having these great features on the app will attract more users . This will also allow the user to view different colors as he type messages on the application. the automatic color changer will give the screen different effect as the color changes periodically.

These wonder features will make the app more unique and at the same time increase the number of users.

Thank you.

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