Debato; the argumentative villa on the steem blockchain



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Debato reminds me of a place called argumentative villa. When I was in high school, we created a place where students hang out during a break or closing hour. We named it argumentative villa. As students, we enjoyed talking about movies, wrestling, soccer, politics and so on. We had a discussion that got us into trouble one day. I will unveil that as the article proceeds. When I came across Debato on the steem blockchain, I remembered those days, and the beautiful time I spent with friends. Finding a place like my high school argumentative villa on the Steem blockchain amused me a lot. If you don’t know about Debato, get a glimpse of what the platform is all about.

What is Debato?

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Each time I come across any word I don’t understand, I check for the meaning on either a dictionary or Google. Hearing Debato for the first time didn’t get me confused. Debate and Debato look similar. So it didn’t take me time to conclude that Debato was coined from the word debate. To an extent, I was right. Debato is a Spanish word with the same meaning as debate. I never knew it was a Spanish word until I checked from Google.

Debato is an open source project that is built on the Steem blockchain. It allows people from different works of life to come together and deliberate on various discussions brought to the platform. Debato accommodates online debate irrespective of how simple or tough it is. It allows everyone to share their thoughts and get rewarded.

About the platform’s UI

Debato’s UI is nice which is one thing I like about the project. In every business, customer service comes first. Debato’s attractive UI is enough to attract anyone to use the platform. Recently, I joined a platform where I get some tokens for every interactions.

My activities aren’t often on it because the interface is poor. I find it boring each time I log in to see what’s happening. Though the PO promised to work on it soon, my activities won’t improve until I see a better user interface. That said, other parts that make Debato platform unique are listed below.

Other features


Start discussion

To start an argument/discussion, you would have to create one through start discussion feature. I created some discussions a few days ago about the ongoing champions league, and some other stuffs. I started my discussion details by inputting the title in the title box, after which I elaborated on the statements in the box below the title. I added no image, so I skipped the cover image URL. I added the tag to find discussions and clicked on publish. These are the few steps required to submit a discussion on Debato.

My profile


You can do quite a lot on your profile on Debato. The basic things are the display of your complete steemit reputation score, your age on steemit, numbers of followers. Plus the number of people you are following. Users can also check their discussions from the profile.
It displays every discussion I’ve created under the discussion feature in the profile. Also, every argument I’ve reacted to shows in the argument feature. The part of the profile that I love most is the wallet. I’ve used it several times to claim my pending rewards transfer steem/SBD, and power down and power up my steem. Virtually, everything you can do on steem wallet is possible on a debato wallet.

Recent update

Slightly over two weeks ago, Debato did an update where the PO made some changes to the project. These changes are as follows.

  • Added hot post: The hot feature filters hot arguments from the list of discussions available on Debato. Clicking on hot will display any hot post available at that moment.
  • Wallet operation: The wallet operation allows users to see the fund of other users.
  • Improved discussion argument and comment layout: Makes arguments and comments easier to read.
  • Compatibility with a touch screen mobile
  • Edit option for comment and argument: I also love the addition of this feature. It allows users to correct every error and also edit comments.

Debato also has a series of future plans

  • Display statistics about a discussion
  • A leaderboard/ranking system
  • A system of points
  • A value indicator showing how much your vote is worth
  • Storing draft decision
  • Showing when users edit an argument or a discussion
  • An upload function for the discussion thumbnail
  • An about page and so on.

There was also a new update on 29th of April 2019, where the project owner added and deleted some files. See the description below.

  • Don't show empty tags & clear preview when posted

A tag that is shorter than 2 letters should not be displayed in the list. It is also prevented that these tags are broadcasted in the first place.

Previously, when a comment was published, the comment preview did not clear. This is now fixed.
You can get the full information here

Comparison between Debato and

comparism.png and kialo are platforms for argument. Debato is an open source project while kialo isn’t. The reward in steem upvote that users get from debato also makes it different. Though there aren’t many differences between these platforms, I could spot a few. has a feature that allows users to create groups for discussion. I don’t think Debato has such a feature. I also noticed that both platforms have pros and cons, but there’s a huge difference between how the functions works. Anyone can write the pros and cons of a discussion on Debato without it passing through any moderation process. The case is different on After writing the pros and cons of any discussion, a moderator will review and either accept or decline it. The process is a way of restriction, and moderators can also be biased in such case. I give a thumb up to Debato in this aspect for their transparency.

Permit me to talk about the trouble an argument got me into at the argumentative villa back at school

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I earlier mentioned that we had a nice place called the argumentative villa back at high school, where we discuss many things as students. On this fateful day, One of our mates brought up a topic for deliberation, and he titled it “who are the wicked teachers in this school”? It was an interesting question that caught our attention. We called names and argued. The bell rang, and some of us still refused to leave the villa. It was as if we were destined for multiple beating on that day. We hung there discussing our wicked teachers till we meet our waterloo. Suddenly, two teachers appeared from behind the villa. Alas! They’ve been listening to us for over two minutes. They took us to the staff room and instructed us to mention the names of the wicked teachers we were gossiping. While my colleagues was naming the wicked teachers, I was busy thinking of a way out.

When it was my turn, I lied. I mentioned the names of three nice female teachers. I surprised them. One of them called my name and asked if if truly she’s wicked but, I felt reluctant to answer. To cut the story short, the teachers involved dealt with us mercilessly. They counted the letters of the words “W I C K E D T E A C H E R S” which sum up to fourteen. My colleagues took forty-two strokes each. Fourteen from each teacher. I received ten strokes. Only two teachers flogged me five strokes each

The funniest part was that they instructed my friends to spell the word ‘’wicked teachers’’ accordingly per stroke. So the first stroke was tagged W, the second was I, the third was C, and so on. When it got to a point, I heard Z, U, Q. The stokes had changed their reasoning that they missed the correct spelling of wicked teachers. After we settled everything, I went to the three teachers and told them the truth. I was afraid to mention the names of those wicked teachers, that was why I lied to save myself from them. They castigated me and warned me never to indulge in such discussions henceforth. That was how I could reduce my punishment, though I received a head knock when I led the cat out of the bag. Four out of my friends didn’t come to school the next day, because they couldn’t sit upright with their buttocks. Mr. Ajala and Co have massacred their buttocks with a stretching Cain.

My opinion about Debato

I’m a lover of Debato platform, which makes me often check whether there is any discussion I can contribute to on the platform. It’s very disheartening that their isn't enough activities on the platform. I think @samve needs to create a discord server for Debato to help bring people together for the sake of the platform.


We discuss every day. We talk about various things happening around us. Relating with different people from various regions is also another way to learn from various topics of discussion. Debato allows everyone to bring any form of discussions to the table. I’ve been able to talk about Debato, and what has been going on with its development. The platform has a promising future. So I implore you all to let’s come together and talk about crucial issues and deliberate on them from a different point of view.

Thanks for reading.

This is ckole(the laughing gas)

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