1164 Translated and Proofread Words for Falling-Sky | Cebuano Translation | 5th Contribution

32% to 40% for falling-sky.pot (1,164 words)


Project Details

Test-ipv6.com is proving to be a valuable asset to people debugging their connectivity. Falling sky is a testing platform for IPv4 and IPv6, including all the needed tutorials and guides for troubleshooting issues in connectivity, may they be on the type of browser used or on the Internet Service Provider (ISP).

However, not everyone in the world speaks English; as such, it is desirable to have support for other languages. Falling sky aims to localize these useful information for an effective use by the users.

I started translating the only file in this project entitled: falling-sky.pot. My translation began at 32% and ended at 40% for which I translated a total of 1,164 words.

Promotion as Falling-Sky Project proofreader:

falling sky pr.jpg

Links related to the translation

Project Link in Crowdin: Falling Sky

Project Activity Link:


My Activity Link in Crowdin: caratzky’s Activity

Link of the Project’s Repository: Falling Sky Repository

Source Language


Translated Language


Number of Words

The entire project has 13,985 words for translation.

Number of words translated for this contribution:

For this contribution I have 1,164 translated words.

Proofread Words

1,164 words


Proofs of My Work





Samples of my Translation:


Total Number of Translated and Proofread Words for the same Project

5,703 words

Previous translation on the same project

1126 Translated and Proofread Words for Falling-Sky | Cebuano Translation | 4th Contribution

1112 Translated and Proofread Words for Falling-Sky | Cebuano Translation | 3rd Contribution

1188 Translated and Proofread Words for Falling-Sky | Cebuano Translation | 2nd Contribution

1113 Translated and Proofread Words for Falling-Sky | Cebuano Translation | 1st Contribution

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