Features I want in Dice overflow: Board size, number of dice and time

github link : https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/DiceOverflow

Dice Overflow is a simple board logical game for android mobile. I have been playing this Dice Overflow game for a while. The functions are basic and need some improvement.
While I was playing today, I had this thought of some improvement that if the team of dev of Dice Overflow will take into action, It will make the app to be very interesting for users like me.

As aforementioned, Dice overflow is a board game, it does not contain features that will make someone to be eager of playing the game.
I will jump at the chance to propose an element that I accept will increase the value of the application that could make it better. I've been playing the game for a while, and I appreciate the work of the owner but I need to propose this improvement to better the Dice overflow.

Feature suggestion
• Board Size
• Number of Dice
• Time

The Board size is a feature that will allow players to choose the size of board he/she want to play the game on. Now, the game have only one board function. I suggest multiple options for board sizes.

Number of dice. The ultimate dice on the game is the 6 dots side. And when the dots reach 6 it spread to other dice. I want to have a feature that will allow players to choose the number of dots. Such as 6,7,8 or 10. This is possible because there are dices with dots above 6 dots.

Time. A simple feature that will help to count the time of the period per game. When I was playing with the CPU on the game. I did not know how long I spend to defeat the CPU. The time feature will solve that problem.

The Image below is the mockup for board size. The default size is 25, the owner can make it available in different sizes. Like, 25 boxs, 35 boxs, 55 boxs. etc


The image down below is for dice numbers or dots, the ultimate dot is 6, the dots could be available for users to choose how they want to enjoy the game.


The time is a elementary feature, the mock up is below.

Screenshot time.png


All the improvement I want are self-explanatory on the beneficial part, but I will state my benefits. I have been playing for a while and the game tires me because of lack of good features that can keep me long. The board size will make the game to be complex more to play. Users like me can decide to use higher board while playing the game and It will give more live to the game.
The number of dice is similar to board size, user can decide to use dice with more than 6 dots to make the game to be lively more than now.
Time is a tracker that will make user to know how long it takes to finish a round of Dice Overflow game.

Thank you in anticipation. I am @c-diamond

My github link : https://github.com/c-diamond

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