SteemConnect4j - Security Improvement and Bug Fixes


1. Introduction

SteemConnect4j is a Java SDK for SteemConnect v2. To read more about it, check out the introduction blog - Introducing SteemConnect4j.

In this blog post, I will be discussing about the following improvements made in the project -

  • Improved Security using Refresh Tokens
  • Increased coverage
  • Other bug fixes

2. Improved Security using Refresh Tokens

Refresh Tokens are used to grant headless operations the access to carry out operations on behalf of the user. These tokens do not expire (in contrast; access tokens expire in 7 days) and can be used to generate new access tokens for the user.

It is required to have the offline scope in order to retrieve the refresh token.

2.1 Code Changes to Introduce Refresh Tokens

The route to get the access token is defined as a constant in the application -


Now the getLoginUrl(boolean wantCode) is refactored to contain a boolean parameter.
This parameter decides whether the returing url after successfull login will contain
a UserCode or AccessToken.
So, developer now can decide the user security through this parameter.


Getting an AccessToken is a three step process

Get Code -> Get RefreshToken -> Get AccessToken

Note:Code is returned when user logs in if getLoginUrl(true) is used for logging in.

Methods to get/set client secret were added to SteemConnectOptions class -


Finally, methods to get refresh token and get access token from refresh token were added to complete the integration -


3. Increased Coverage

We have been working on improving the coverage for the SDK and we're happy to inform that the coverage is now at a decent level.

3.1. Coverage Chart


3.2. Sunburst

Here is the sunburst from Codecov -

Screenshot from 2018-07-03 15-22-39.png

You can see the detailed coverage report at

4. Other Bug Fixes

Several bugs were fixed for the SDK and it is now being tested in the HapRamp Android application. As we move forward with integrating more parts of the SDK into the application, we will be discovering and resolving more bugs that pop up.

Pull Requests

hapramp/steemconnect4j#18Adding support for refresh tokens
hapramp/steemconnect4j#20Adding usage documentation for refresh tokens
hapramp/steemconnect4j#21 and hapramp/steemconnect4j#16Adding test cases

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