wordpress campaign 5400 reach


What is WordPress?

WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP.

Why WordPress?

WordPress is, by far, the most popular open source Content Management System (CMS), used by approximately 75 million websites, and is free to install, deploy, and upgrade.


My Facebook Account is (https://www.facebook.com/EklemiorsamOturAqla) which I promote the opensource projects with the introductions about WordPress that I have done so far and take place on my wall.


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I focused on 8,100,000 people who are living in Turkey. And also the people I focused are on the ages between 18-65.


The Facebook Page I used (https://www.facebook.com/Wordpress-TR-Boemos-404011813344171) which I use to support opensource projects to promote WordPress to the people living in Turkey that use THİS POST (https://www.facebook.com/404011813344171/photos/a.404016946676991.1073741828.404011813344171/404016893343663/?type=3&theater). Also I posted an introduction video for the people living in Turkey.


I used a budget of 5 Turkish Liras. I was able to reach 5,470 people with 6 clicks. I got 9 actions.

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Video proof:

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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