Translated 1064 word of Mura CMS


Project Details

Mura CMS provides unmatched productivity and usability for websites, mobile sites, intranets and secure extranets. Mura CMS is open source or commercially-licensed; professional support, training, and development services are available.

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language

I translate this project from English into Indonesian. The total number of words requested is 7424 words.

Tool Information

To help me create up to complete this project I use the "Uc Browser" browser help.

Number Of Words

The sum of all words I translate in this contribution is 1064 words.

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1064 words
total work.png

Proofread Words

I do not have proofread translations yet.

Previous translation on the same project

I recently translated this project.

Additional information

On this contribution I can not do a "after" screenshot because the number of words in this contribution is very small, while the translation team is so much that if I do a "after" screenshot then the results will vary after returning to the previous page.

Evidence of my work through screenshots:
and below is a screenshot of my contribution "before".

  • Core Modules/

  • Core Modules/Core AdminProjek 1 Before.png
    Projek 2 Before.png
    Projek 3 Before.png
    Projek 4 Before.png
    Projek 5 Before.png
    Projek 6 Before.png
    Projek 7 Before.png
    Projek 8 Before.png
    Projek 9 Before.png

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