Looking for iMacro Script Coder for AddMeFast Script

AddMeFast iMacro Script
What is AddMeFast? AddMeFast is a network that will help you grow your social presence. AddMeFast allow you to look and choose who you want to like/subscribe/follow/view and skip those who you are not interested in.

Looking for Developer to create following AddMeFast iMacro Script:

Facebook Likes
Facebook Share
Facebook Followers
Facebook Post Likes
Facebook Post Share
YouTube Views
YouTube Subscribe
YouTube Video Likes
YouTube Favorites
Twitter Followers
Twitter Tweets
Twitter reTweets
Twitter Likes
Instagram Followers
Instagram Photo Likes
Pinterest Followers
Pinterest rePins
Pinterest Likes
VK Page Followers
VK Group Members
SoundCloud Followers
SoundCloud Music Plays
Ask.fm Answer Likes
Google+ Circles
Google+ Post Shares
MySpace Friends
Reverbnation Fans
StumbleUpon Followers
Website Hits(autosurf)

Please note that each AddMeFast iMacro script should perform following steps:

  1. Open the Tasks Page eg. Facebook Like
  2. Click the Facebook URL
  3. Click Like in Facebook Page
  4. Close Facebook
  5. Earn Score on AddMeFast

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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