Utopian.io - Privacy Policy & Terms Of Service

Hey there! I am Azarus part of the utopian dev team, I am happy to show you some progress I've been working on in the past week.

Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

As utopian grows more and more features are added to the site. This includes legal side of things such as Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Whenever you sign up or log in the users are forced to accept the Terms Of Use & Privacy Policy. By accepting these documents the users agree to the utopian rules and how utopian stores and uses their data.

Implementing this feature required quite a work as you can see the number of PRs. Here's the end result:

Whenever the terms of services are updated, a pop up modal is visible and the user is required to scroll down in order to be able to accept the new rules or new privacy policy.

This update also includes static pages for the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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When is it going to be live?

The development team is working very hard putting in long hours delivering the new features with the highest quality possible. We're preparing a new update that will bring lots of new features to the site. Stay tuned! :)

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