DTrip needs a logo!

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DTrip is a dapp for the travelers, where they can find each other and share useful information. The application is developing and now everything is coming to design, so we need a good logo!

The logo should be simple, memorable and concise. I think just a text would be enough. It will be possible to add some element related to travel, but it should be as little detail as possible, as the logo will be used for the icon of the mobile application.

Here is our old logo
DTrip  SteemitWorldmap integration, user searching, profile update.


Icons should generally be provided in PNG and SVG format. The best option would be to sketch file(or AdobeXD) in which we can choose the size of the logo.
Although the below information is for app icons it could be still be useful for this task request:

  • The image should work well on both light and dark backgrounds.
    When you design the icon, keep the following advice in mind:
  • If your icon is mostly dark, consider adding a subtle white outer glow so it'll look good against dark backgrounds.
  • Avoid large drop shadows; the UI might add shadows. It's OK to use small shadows for contrast.
    I would like the logo to be further provided in the following sizes (px):
  • 16x16 <--- toolbar icon
  • 32x32 <--- HiDPI/Retina
  • 48x48 <--- management icon
  • 96x96 <--- HiDPI/Retina
  • 128x128 <--- main app icon
  • 256x256 <--- same as 128x128
  • 1024х1024 <--- for IOS App

Deadline is a week from when this task request (if it) is accepted.


You can contact me either on Discord: avral#1718
GitHub/telegram: @avral
or here

Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/EPzxdVfxrDb9GamQcEeAJg

thank @jaff8 for support in drafting this task.

Published by DTrip travel app.
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