OpenBazaar Description Field To Accept & Save HTML Formatting

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This request relates directly to how the OpenBazaar Client handles the listing description field for all auctions. This also is affiliated with the currently accepted coding language, and how it's converted/saved to plain text after you list the item.


Currently, the description field is lacking in the option to input and save HTML formatting. If you copy and paste HTML formatting into this field when you are listing it, it will temporarily accept and display correctly, however, when you go to save and list the item all formatting will be reverted back to text only.

Almost all online auction sites have the ability to input HTML formatting AND have the option to input AND SAVE raw code.

In order to achieve this, I propose adding an HTML toolbar, as well as two tabs at the top of the description field to switch back and forth from "Standard" mode and "HTML" mode.

Mockups / Examples

Here's a potential layout that OpenBazaar could use for HTML formatting.


  1. The Standard tab for viewing all your text formatting.
  2. The HTML tab for viewing your raw HTML code.
  3. The Toolbar for your basic set of HTML actions.


This should be implemented in order to:

  • Expand customizability on the OpenBazaar platform.
  • Increase widespread desirability among people who want to start using OpenBazaar.
  • Compete with almost every other Online auction site.

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