Automatic Cross-Verification of Authentic Physical Addresses - OpenBazaar Need

The client discussed in this article can be found here:


This suggestion request relates directly to how the OpenBazaar client handles physical address additions. This is related to the address book section of the client.


The address book needs the ability to cross-reference and check an external source/database that will automatically compare and verify authentic physical mailing addresses. With the current format, you can input any address and the client will pick it up as valid. This should not be acceptable as it will only cause problems for the opposite end of the spectrum buyer or seller.

Example of a mock address that is currently acceptable:

If a similar address exists to the one that was input, then a suggestion should appear with the valid address and give the user an option to change it.

Mockups / Examples

If the address does not exist from the linked source/database, an error should pop up informing the user.


The similar address box should appear like this:


This should be implemented as soon as possible for the following reasons:

  • This will remove complications with sellers not knowing where to ship, or with potential scammers using fake addresses.
  • This will remove the ability for human error. If an address is validated and verified from the referenced source point and accepted by the user, the package will not mistakenly wind up to a non-existed or incorrect location.
  • This will boost the overall professionalism of the platform, now having the same ability that huge marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, and Newegg already use.

Thank you.

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