[Translation]Opencart Translation from English to Spanish, Colombia Part four

Project Details

Opencart is an open-source ecommerce platform. It is PHP-based, using a MySQL database and HTML components. Support is provided for numerous languages and currencies, and it is freely available under the GNU General Public License.

Links related to the translation


Here you can see the Spanish, Colombia is now at 22%.

Source Language

This project was translated using english as the source language.

Translated Language

Spanish, Colombia. There are 20356 words yet to be translated.
opencart_009 special.png

Number Of Words

Here are the folders i contributed:

Payment (1031/1031)
sofi 2.png

Report (66/66)
sofi 3.png

sofi reporte.PNG

This time, I translated 1060 words, and I plan to finish de project. Highlighted in the picture, you may see proof of the 1060 words translated through my Crowdin account in today's date. You can find this Crowdin's project report here (clicking in top members to search for my activity in the specified date).

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1060

Further proof:
sofi 4.png

Previous translation on the same project

Link to part 1
Link to part 2
Link to part 3

Number of words translated on the project before this report: 3170

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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